I am a Travel Agent and have been in the Travel and Tourism industry for over 20 years. My passion for travel has only grown over time and I have created this Blog to share my experiences I've had near and abroad. Although each journey I've taken could easily write its own novel, this is a brief peek into my adventures and thoughts of a life where I live by the saying, 'Those who wander are not necessarily lost'- Kobi Yamada

Monday, December 12, 2011


          If you travel with a large family or even multiple families sometimes the best deal can be found renting a house. I have rented houses myself in the Outerbanks in North Carolina and Belize and think this is an affordable way to travel. Often the weekly rental prices may seem costly but if divided into 2 or more families it can be quite a deal. There are house rentals available throughout the world and offer a range of amenities for any budget. Many times you can even request a chef  for the house at an added charge. If you would like to check out some rental options visit:  http://www.beachhouse.com/.     

THE GUMBO LIMBO, the house I rented in Belize      
    Another unique travel option that is growing in popularity is a Home Exchange Program. It works rather easy but you do need to be a bit trusting, although keep in mind the person you are exchanging with is in the same situation as you. Lets say you pick a house you want to rent in Barcelona Spain, the owner in Spain would come and stay at your house at the same time. You exchange cars, houses and anything else you agree on. Some people have even exchanged an RV or Yacht for a house. There was a movie made about this concept called, The Holiday. It stars Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet and the two of them trade their beautiful Los Angeles pad (Cameron Diaz) for a modest English Cottage (Kate Winslet).  I think this is a great way to get to know another culture or lifestyle without breaking the bank.  http://www.homeexchange.com  
                                                                                                              My house rental in the Outerbanks 

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