I am a Travel Agent and have been in the Travel and Tourism industry for over 20 years. My passion for travel has only grown over time and I have created this Blog to share my experiences I've had near and abroad. Although each journey I've taken could easily write its own novel, this is a brief peek into my adventures and thoughts of a life where I live by the saying, 'Those who wander are not necessarily lost'- Kobi Yamada

Monday, December 26, 2011

Do you have a New Years Resolution or Life List?

        The New Year is quickly approaching and everyone has started to make their list of what they hope to accomplish in the year to come with their New Years Resolution. Some people hope to lose weight, make more money or learn a new skill. All these hopes I  can relate to, I just don't like to make goals within a years worth of time. I kind of like the idea of having more of a Life List and then whenever the times comes and your able to accomplish it you can check it off your list. It's a list without so much pressure.   
    Although I do find it amusing when people refer to the things they want to do in life as a Bucket List, making note of all the things they want to do before they kick the bucket. I prefer the term Life List myself. It's interesting to hear what people don't want to die without doing. A few things on my Life List are: 

Live in a foreign country
Speak another language fluently
Get at least one of my novels or kids books published
Spend a month in India doing Yoga
Buy land and build a tree house with a view of the ocean
Learn the homemade Ravioli recipe from the Grimaldi's
Be able to make money off the purses and things I sew and my writing
Visit Hungary, where my grandfather lived and meet relatives still living there
Visit Italy and Ireland with my husbands family
Take my entire family on vacation!

 That doesn't seem to much to ask does it?

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