I am a Travel Agent and have been in the Travel and Tourism industry for over 20 years. My passion for travel has only grown over time and I have created this Blog to share my experiences I've had near and abroad. Although each journey I've taken could easily write its own novel, this is a brief peek into my adventures and thoughts of a life where I live by the saying, 'Those who wander are not necessarily lost'- Kobi Yamada

Monday, November 27, 2017

KIA ORANA...May You Live long..

            The magical thing about travel is the way it can remind us just how small the world really are.We find ourselves in a beautiful, peaceful and sometimes lonely place but then soon we are surrounded by new faces and feelings that only a wanderer who appreciates fond sunsets and sunrises can appreciate. Years ago I made a trip to Rarotonga in the South Pacific. This modest island resting between Samoa and Tahiti deep in the South Pacific was a hidden treasure attracting those who couldn't afford the Tahitian islands or those who were looking for someplace to go off the beaten track.                                  
    My stay on this Cook Island will forever be living in my heart, like a long lost home. The first time I set eyes on it I was in love, when I had to leave her I cried and when I was there I cared about nothing else. Often when I travel to a new found place I feel like I'm the first to explore it. Although it is widely known with
Australian and New Zealand visitors and those looking for an adventure it was virgin to me. It offers soft white sand beaches, crystal clear waters perfect for fishing and sun bathing. The mountainous terrain provided many options for trekking and exploring the landscape and seeking out wildlife that is only found on this South Pacific island. The hospitality can be seen throughout the native people that are lucky enough to inhibit this pearl in the sea.  I often dream I am back there hanging in the tree house bar with the friendly locals I met while there and secretly wishing I never left...

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