I am a Travel Agent and have been in the Travel and Tourism industry for over 20 years. My passion for travel has only grown over time and I have created this Blog to share my experiences I've had near and abroad. Although each journey I've taken could easily write its own novel, this is a brief peek into my adventures and thoughts of a life where I live by the saying, 'Those who wander are not necessarily lost'- Kobi Yamada

Thursday, December 5, 2013


                 The world lost a true hero today, RIP Nelson Mandela. He lived a full life of limitless lessons and provided us all with so many reasons to be better human beings. Finding strength and forgiveness in a challenged life when many would rebel and take it out on those around them. Through all the chaos he managed to take a deep breath, reflect on his past and begin a journey down an uncharted path inspiring others to follow his lead. He will always be a symbol of hope and remind us all of what we as humans can overcome.  One Love.

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