Me wishing I were a pedicab in Key West..
I miss living in a place where I don't need to rely on a car to get around. When I lived in Portland, OR and Key West , FL I didn't have a car and loved it! In Key West you could get around the island on a bike or walking and in Portland I lived downtown so you could walk or take the Tri-Met anywhere you needed to get to. I miss not knowing the price of gas and the don't care for the unpredictable cost of car repairs that always seem to come at the worst time possible. Having to rely on a car is a burden on my conscious and my savings. So many cities are trying to become more bike friendly and offer bikers their own lanes to make their commute a quick ride. I commend those cities that are progressive in their quest to ease the pollution and congestion cars seems to cast over their towns. Here are the 50 most bike friendly cities: